Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Whale Populations Devastated by Warming Oceans

Sunday, October 28, 2007
White House Shortens Document by CDC
This is what they did when the Center for Disease Control and Prevention created a report to Congress about the impact of climate change on public health. Here is article. I would just copy and paste it like I usually do, but it is 3 pages long. The comments are pretty good.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Desalination- seems easy enough
I believe global warming is responsible for the drought in the southeastern US. I was reading about ways to desalinize water and I came up with this article from LiveScience.com:
Why Desalination Doesn't Work (Yet)
It talks about drought and the fact that it is worsening all over the world. Desalination is simple. All you have to do is evaporate salt water (or boil it) and use the condensed freshwater as drinking water. Salors on ships used to do it. Why can't we?
Apparently, it is because:
"A typical American uses 80 to 100 gallons of water a day, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The entire country consumes about 323 billion gallons per day of surface water and another 84.5 billion gallons of ground water.
If half of this water came from desalination, the United States would need more than 100 extra electric power plants, each with a gigawatt of capacity."
80 gallons of water a day??? Come on! I can't even drink one gallon of water a day? Where is this all going? Down the drain when we take our showers?
I don't think I need to use THAT much water a day. I take short showers, I don't wash my clothes unless they are really dirty, and I am a bit of a dirtball. I like being that way, use up less water. Still, I am trying to evaluate my water usage and figure out ways to use less:
1) Take short showers, only wash the parts of your body that smell.
2) Flush the toilet less...or just don't piss unless you really have to.
3) wash dishes by hand, use less soap so that you don't have to use as much water to rinse them.
4) wash clothes only when they are really dirty.; i.e. If they don't smell, they are not dirty.
-use a simple quick rinse when clothes aren't that dirty ( most dryers have this setting).
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Global Warming: Under a Green Sky
I recently read an article from Google News about the sky turning green, the oceans turning purple and mass extinctions of all land animals due to hydrogen-sulfide producing bacteria. This occurred when "prolonged volcanic activity spewed huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere. "There was a short-term rapid increase in carbon dioxide. High C02 increases greenhouse temperatures on the planet.
Over thousands of years, that spike in CO2 and the resulting worldwide heat wave had nasty consequences. Winds ceased, ocean currents died and most marine life vanished from too much heat and too little oxygen.
Things got even worse. "These warm anoxic oceans produced [surface] blooms of hydrogen sulfide-producing bacteria. Enough of that went into the atmosphere to kill land animals and land plants and cause the ozone to disappear as well."
Records show that environmental change began to accelerate when atmospheric CO2 hit 1,000 parts per million. Today's levels are one-third of that and rising.
![]() |
Ward says the earth's time clock is ticking toward a mass extinction that mimics the past |
So, what to do? This article says to stop driving.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Fuel-efficient cars
Here's why I want to buy a fuel efficient car:
1) I don't want to buy anything that will increase global warming.
2) I also wouldn't mind saving a whole lot on gas money. Think about how much average gas money a person spends in a year. If you spend $200 a month on gas, that is $2400 a year. If you buy a car that costs, $25,000. You will double that amount of money if you drive the car for 10 years...meaning that you will be essentially paying $50,000 for a $25,000 car.
If you double the amount of mileage per gallon of gas, you halve the amount of money you spend on gas every year. Pretty smart when you think about it!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Global Warming: Evidence
The trees haven't even turned yet.
I haven't seen whether like this in my whole lifetime. It usually gets into the 40s and 50s every night in October but these past few nights the lows have been in the 60s . It's been like this all fall. The weather has been hot and humid and in the 80s. I can't believe it. It is like August.
It's too g$dd$md hott if you ask me! I like the cold.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Stop Global Warming? wikiHow
Here's how: The Most Cost Effective Ways to Slow Global Warming.
Do I do everything I can to stop global warming? NO.
Do you do everything you can to stop global warming? Probably not.
Why?Because you know that it just aint worth it.
Really, it is simply because you are ignorant. But, the good part is that you can become unignorant by reading wikiHow. Here is how I am becoming UNIGNORANT:
1)Turn down the thermometer in the winter *Cherish those cold days. Won't be many more left.
2)Turn the thermostat up in the summer.
3)Get solar power? Come on! I can't do that!
4)Here's another idea from Sun Bright Energy:
Cars with engines that burn fuel and release water: It is said to get 60 to 70 mpgs. Why not buy an energy- efficient car that gets more mileage per gallon?
Speaking of cars, when was the last time you drove?
I drive an average of 25 minutes a day.
how about you? How to reduce Driving Emissions:
A)Don't keep a car in the city if you have a house outside of it.
B)USE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Yes, I know it's scary with all the thugs and everything- but it's all we got.
C) Walk?
Is it possible to walk to Walmart?
Yes...I did it.
D) form a blockade so no cars can get by? So 60's- but i really wish everyone would do that.
Video: Arctic scientist says Icecaps are Melting: It is accelerating
I am afraid that it doesn't seem to sink into people's heads what that means.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Some People Don't Have a Clue
It basically summarizes global warming.
I found a more interesting reply by someone named Andy.
He suggests that people start converting power plants into Buxton Geothermal Turbine Generators which would free us from CO2 producing power and only cost 2 billion dollars (for the conversion of every power plant in the nation).
The problem is that he suggests that everyone use electric cars by 2017 which isn't going to happen. I left a reply to his comment saying basically that most people don't have enough money to go out and buy a new car when they don't need one and also that the production would not be able to keep up with the demand if everyone in the U.S. wanted an electric car in the next 10 years. It is here if you want to read it.
An Inconvenient Truth: Don't Make an Emergency Out of It
Increasing temperatures etc. will probably continue on and on until it is simply TOO HOTT for life to survive on earth.
I concluded this after watching the Al Gore movie: An Inconvenient Truth.
I got up to the part with the climate graph where he stands on the chair and points out overwhelming CO2 levels and the corresponding increase in temperature...how much was it... 1,000 degrees....or it looked something like that.
I'm sure it was less than 1,000. More like 15. But, it still scared me.
I went to the website : www.climatecrisis.org
I found an article saying that the ocean water temperatures are increasing, which is bleaching coral: Threat to coral reefs- from the Khaleej Times.
Try going to the website: www.climatecrisis.org. Read the RSS Headlines @ the bottom of the page.
If you click on the TAKE ACTION tab at the right of the page, It will tell you some ways that you can stop global warming:
Here is the way to stop global warming "in a Nutshell":
Almost one third of the carbon dioxide produced in the United States comes from our cars, trucks and airplanes. Here are some simple, practical things you can do to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide you produce while on the move.
Reduce the number of miles you drive by walking, biking, carpooling or taking mass transit wherever possible
Avoiding just 10 miles of driving every week would eliminate about 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions a year! Click here to find transit options in your area.
Start a carpool with your coworkers or classmates
Sharing a ride with someone just 2 days a week will reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by 1,590 pounds a year. eRideShare.com runs a free national service connecting commuters and travelers.
Keep your car tuned up
Regular maintenance helps improve fuel efficiency and reduces emissions. When just 1% of car owners properly maintain their cars, nearly a billion pounds of carbon dioxide are kept out of the atmosphere.
Check your tires weekly to make sure they’re properly inflated
Proper inflation can improve gas mileage by more than 3%. Since every gallon of gasoline saved keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, every increase in fuel efficiency makes a difference!
Get a hybrid vehicle and Save Big on Gasoline (I added this one)*I made a post on hybrids.
CO2 Absorbers for Cars
This article really gives Bush a bad image. I think Bush is a ______ (insert your favorite depreciating term). But thats just my opinion.
Yeah, so what IS being done about global warming. I am tired of reading about what ISN"T being done.
Answer: Nothing? Very little?
I was wondering whether anybody came up with the bright idea of converting the emissions from cars into a friendlier gas (other than CO2). I mean- think about it- if everyone went out and bought one of these new devices, it would be very stimulating for the economy.
And-plus- it wouldn't hurt the oil companies one bit.
It turns out that the oil companies themselves are trying to come up with a CO2 compression system that will allow large amounts of CO2 to be "captured" from sources such as "power plants and other industrial processes." Nothing about cars. Let me remind you ladies and gentlemen that cars are the main cause of global warming. Here is the website:
It is called the CO2 capture project.
Am I going to spend the rest of my days talking about solutions to global warming that are provided by its main contributors?
I am going to find somebody who knows about CO2 compressors/absorbers/captureres for CARS.
I found CO2 absorbers for use in lots of scientific monitoring systems. Not cars. I am going to call the company on Monday and tell them to try and make them because it would be profitable since a lot of environmental geeks like me out there would buy them. They will listen to me.
I typed in CO2 absorbers for cars into google and I came up with this.
So the technology is out there. They can do it for stealth aircrafts and navy submarines etc. They can do it for sick people who need the CO2 removed from their air using a portable atmospheric control unic (PACU).
I think they can do it for cars.