Time to Move to Mars

Global warming is causing the planet to become uninhabitable.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

More Things You Can Do to Slow Global Warming

Plant a tree. Plant more than one tree. Plant as many trees as possible. Here's the deal. Trees produce Oxygen from CO2. There is nothing on this planet that produces more oxygen than trees. The balance right now is shifting. As we kill trees (i.e. cut them down for lumber, forest fires, etc) we deprive ourselves of our supply of oxygen and produce more CO2. As the ratio of CO2 to oxygen increases, asphyxiation (deprivation of oxygen) will become more of a threat to human life.

Here is the scary part: Trees are disappearing fast. You can read my previous posts about deforestation to learn more about the reasons. One of them is simply people cutting down the trees. In Vietnam, for example, 50% of the trees were cut down between 2000 and 2005. There are many similar statistics in tropical areas of the world, such as the amazon. These tropical areas produce most of the oxygen that we breathe, so the fact that they are disappearing the fastest is not good.
Also, global warming itself is causing deforestation. 25% of the forest in northeast Alaska has perished in 2 yrs due to forest fires. This is a huge number of trees. As you can read in my previous posts, there are forest fires everywhere and they are becoming more intense due to global warming. Trees everywhere are suffering the effects of global warming. Some, such as the yellow cedars, are dying just because it is too hot for them. The rate of amazon tree growth has slowed as a result of hotter temperatures. As global warming persists, we can expect a lot more trees to die, especially in the cooler areas of our planet, the only areas untouched by deforestation.


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